Laundry Room Base Cabinet, Supply Closet, and Linen Closet Organization

For a small laundry room with one set of base cabinets below the sink, it was necessary to add some open bins for easy access of laundry detergent and supplies. A nearby supply closet for cleaning materials, batteries, light bulbs, and other miscellaneous items needed more containers. All of the items have been sorted and grouped by type. The supply closet now has the lighter weight, more fragile items on the top shelf and the heavier weight, larger items on the bottom shelves. A linen closet in the master bathroom was also sorted and unused items were removed to create more space. Laundry, linen, and cleaning supplies are now consolidated and contained in their separate storage spaces.

All photography featured photographed by Designated Spaces, LLC.

Laundry Base Cabinets Before and After

Laundry Base Cabinets Before and After

Supply Closet Before and After

Supply Closet Before and After

Linen Closet Before and After

Linen Closet Before and After

Linen Closet Before and After

Linen Closet Before and After

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